Notepad++ can be downloaded at: It's necessary to add an "User Defined Language" to Notepad++ so we can use syntax highlighting with UnrealScript.
Save the file userDefineLang_UnrealScript.xml on your computer. In Notepad++ access the menu "View->User Define Dialog...". In the window that appears click the button "Import..." and select the file "userDefineLang_UnrealScript.xml."
Ready. Notepad++ will identify the syntax of UnrealScript files (extension .uc). I will use Notepad++ for editing the scripts and Unreal Frontend to compile them.
Save the file userDefineLang_UnrealScript.xml on your computer. In Notepad++ access the menu "View->User Define Dialog...". In the window that appears click the button "Import..." and select the file "userDefineLang_UnrealScript.xml."
Ready. Notepad++ will identify the syntax of UnrealScript files (extension .uc). I will use Notepad++ for editing the scripts and Unreal Frontend to compile them.